JavaScript has several methods built in such as getElementById(), getElementByClassName(), or querySelector(). Working with these methods you will likely encounter a NodeList or an HTMLCollection.

NodeLists and HTMLCollections have different properties availables. It is important as a developer to understand how to get one or the other in order to work in the most efficient way.

Get a single item

To get a HTMLElement, we can use the following methods:

  • querySelector
  • getElementById

To check by yourself, run the following script and check your browser console:

const querySelector = document.querySelector('li');
console.log('Using `querySelector`:',, querySelector , querySelector.attributes);

const getElementById = document.getElementById('ul');
console.log('Using `getElementById`:',, getElementById, getElementById.attributes);

Get several items

To get static NodeList, we can use this method:

  • querySelectorAll
const querySelectorAll = document.querySelectorAll('li');
console.log('Using `querySelectorAll`:', querySelectorAll);

To get a HTMLCollection, we can use these methods:

  • getElementsByName
  • getElementsByClassName
  • getElementsByTagName
const getElementsByName = document.getElementsByName('li');
console.log('Using `getElementsByName`:', getElementsByName);

const getElementsByClassName = document.getElementsByClassName('li');
console.log('Using `getElementsByClassName`:', getElementsByClassName);

const getElementsByTagName = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
console.log('Using `getElementsByTagName`:', getElementsByTagName);

childNodes vs. children properties

childNodes and children properties can be called on a HTMLElement.

  • Accessing the childNodes property on a HTMLElement returns a NodeList. Whitespace between elements are also text nodes (we can filter them with the […nodeList].filter(…) syntax (see code below).
const children = document.getElementById('ul').children;
console.log('NodeList', children);
console.log('Filtered NodeList', [...children].filter(node => node.nodeName == 'LI'));
  • Accessing the children property on a HTMLElement returns a HTMLCollection.
const childNodes = document.getElementById('ul').childNodes;
console.log('Using `childNodes` property:', childNodes);

Get a live NodeList

As seen above, querySelectorAll returns a static NodeList. To get a live NodeList, we need to get the parent HTMLElement of the nodes and access its childNodes property.

const liveNodeList = document.getElementsByTagName('ul').childNodes;

Lets compare the behaviour of a static NodeList and a live one . Run the code below and check your browser's console:

const ul = document.getElementsByTagName('ul')

// Get a static NodeList using `querySelectorAll`
const staticNodeList = document.querySelectorAll('li');

// Add a LI element
const newLi = document.createElement('li');
newLi.innerText = 'item4';
console.log('Added element:',, newLi);

// Result
console.log('staticNodeList after:', [...staticNodeList]); // The new LI was not added
console.log('liveNodeList after:', [...liveNodeList].filter(node => node.nodeName == 'LI')); // The new LI was added
Python: Create and Import... ⇒
Author of this website. I am passionate about programming and web design since the age of 12. After a stint in architecture and entrepreneurship, I came back to my original passion at 30 years old and became a self-taught web developer in less than 2 years.

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