This post lists commands that are used regularly in the tools' CLIs a web developer uses on a daily basis (Git, Heroku CLI,...). Come back to this page anytime you forgot a command.

For Code Snippets instead, read this post.


Create a new repository on the command line

echo "# App name" >> 
git init git add 
git commit -m "first commit" 
git branch -M main 
git remote add origin<account_name>/<repository_name>.git

Push an existing repository from the command line 

git remote add origin<account_name>/<repository_name>.git 
git branch -M main 
git push -u origin main

Add or Update a Remote

# List all remotes
git remote -v 

# Add a remote:
# eg. `git remote add github`
# eg. `git remote add gitlab`
git remote add <remote_name> <remote_url>

# Update remote:
# eg. `git remote set-url github`
git remote set-url <remote_name> <remote_url>


Activate Debug Mode

export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask run


Create a new App

The app name must be unique among the Heroku public directory.

heroku create app_name

Add or Update a Remote

# Add or update a remote:
# eg. heroku git:remote -a portfolio-edouardproust
heroku git:remote -a <app_name>
⇐ Python: Create and Import...Python: Deploy a Cron job on... ⇒
Author of this website. I am passionate about programming and web design since the age of 12. After a stint in architecture and entrepreneurship, I came back to my original passion at 30 years old and became a self-taught web developer in less than 2 years.

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